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Clinical Imaging


INDECs new Discovery Imaging System is a fully integrated system for fluorescence imaging within the operating room. Its small size and convenient operation make it perfect for ex vivo imaging of excised tissues, for translational research, developing fluorescent probes, or to help guide the surgical decisions. Discovery is a complete, turn-key system and includes all hardware and software necessary for fluorescence imaging and scientific analysis of the acquired images.

    Selected Features:
  • Discovery is a fully integrated system, delivered with its Imaging Chamber and a Win7 laptop, pre-loaded with the custom-built Discovery software.
  • Discoverys small size (23 x 13 x 13 cm, H x W x D) and light weight (approx. 2.2 kg), make it convenient for use in the operating room, improving communication with the surgeon and accelerating critical decisions.
  • Discovery delivers natural, color images for an intuitive understanding of the results.
  • Discoverys integrated white-light illuminators deliver bright-field imaging of specimens, helping correlate fluorescence with visual inspection.
  • Discoverys large field of view (100 mm diagonal) and 50 micrometer spatial resolution are perfect for detailed imaging in a wide range of excised specimens.
  • Discoverys external focusing adjustment makes it easy to get exactly the image you need, even after the specimen is loaded in the chamber.
  • Discoverys software makes it easy for anyone to learn and operate, yet provides tools for rigorous, quantitative analysis of acquired images.
  • Discovery can deliver any one of 12 standard fluorescence channels, ranging from blue (ex. CFP) to the near infrared (ex. ICG).
  • Other, customized fluorescence configurations may also be available. Contact INDEC for details.


Discovery™ Brochure (pdf)
Discovery™ Brochure 800(pdf)
Acquired Image
Discovery System
Specimen and Image
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