Products Supported by
Imaging Workbench 6
Includes Company Contact Information Below
Wavelength Changers and Shutters |
Manual filter changing is also supported |
Analog Camera
Frame Grabber Boards (See
more details) |
RS-170 and CCIR cameras are supported. These include intensified
cameras such as from Photonic Sciences, VideoScope, Stanford Photonics,
Dage-MTI and others, and integrating cameras such as the Cohu
4900 series. |
List of Companies
Cairn Research, Ltd.
Unit 3G, Brents Shipyard Industrial Estate
Faversham, Kent ME13 7DZ
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 1795 590140
Fax: +44 1795 590150
Web Site: http://www.cairnweb.com
Data Translation Corp.
100 Locke Drive
Marlboro, MA 01752-1192
Tel: 800-525-8528
Fax: 508-481-8620
Web Site: http://www.datx.com
The Cooke Corporation
1091 Centre Road, Suite 100
Auburn Hill, MI 48326-2670
Tel: 248-276-8820
Fax: 248-276-8825
Web: http://www.cookecorp.com
Roper Scientific (Photometrics)
3440 East Britannia Drive
Tucson, Arizona 85706
Tel: 520-889-9933
Fax: 520-573-1944
Web Site: http://www.roperscientific.com
Sutter Instrument Company
51 Digital Drive
Novato, CA 94949
Tel: 415-883-0128
Fax: 415-883-0572
Web Site: http://www.sutter.com
TILL Photonics GmbH
TILL Photonics GmbH
Lochhamer Schlag 19
82166 Gräfelfing
Phone: +49 (89) 895 662 0
Fax: +49 (89) 895 662 101
Web Site: http://www.till-photonics.de
Vincent Associates
803 Linden Avenue
Rochester, NY 14625
Tel: (585) 385-5930 or 1 (800) 828-6972
Fax:(585) 385-6004
Web Site: http://www.uniblitz.com
Optical Insights, LLC
1807 Second Street
Suite #100
Santa Fe, NM 87505
Tel:(505)-955-1585 or 1(877)-467-8467
Fax: (508)-526-5660
Web Site: http://www.optical-insights.com
Ludl Electronic Products
171 Brady Avenue
Hawthorne, NY 10532 USA
(914) 769-6111 x223
Fax (914) 769-4759
Web Site: http://www.ludl.com
Andor Technology (Headquarters)
7 Millennium Way
Springvale Business Park,
Belfast, BT12 7AL, Northern Ireland
Tel: +44 28 9023 7126
Fax: +44 28 9031 0792
Web Site: http://www.andor-tech.com/